Based on the book Flying Saucers from Outer Space by Donald Kehoe, this sci-fi tale begins with a misunderstanding between visiting aliens and humans, who fire first, leading to a full-scale world attack. Hugh Marlowe and Joan Taylor may play the leads, but the real star of this show is Ray Harryhausen, the special effects genius who used the process of stop-motion animation to make the spacecraft fly through the air and aliens appear. This fabulous unrestored one sheet has only one corner crease, a small tear in the right and top borders, and a few minor spots in the left border. Overall, this is a very bright and clean copy of this 1950s flying saucer Classic.
Linen-backing + £150
Framing options:
Glass and single mount + £250
Glass and double mount + £275
Anti-UV glass and single mount + £350
Anti-UV glass and double mount + £375
Perspex and single mount + £385
Perspex and double mount + £430
Anti-UV perspex and single mount + £570
Anti-UV perspex and double mount + £600.